WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Walk: No walk again! WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Jerks 4 x 115# 4 x 125# 4 x 135# 4 x 145# EMOM – 10 Minutes – 4 Reps @ 115# MetCon: 8 Minute AMRAP of… 5 Pull-Ups 7 Dips 9 KB Swings @ 45# Total Reps: 84 Today’s WOD was just a quick,…
Category: Blog
WOD Wednesday 09-21-2016
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Walk: No walk again! WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Cleans 4 x 102# 4 x 120# 4 x 135# 4 x 155# EMOM – 10 Minutes – 4 Reps @ 102# MetCon: 10 Minute AMRAP of… 15 Calorie Row 12 Box Jumps @ 20″ 9 Snatch @ 75# Total Reps: 118 Today’s WOD was at…
WOD Tuesday 09-20-2016
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Walk: No walk today! WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Overhead Squats 3 x 60# 3 x 70# 3 x 80# 3 x 90# EMOM – 10 Minutes – 3 Reps @ 60# MetCon: No Time To Complete… Total Reps: 197 Today’s WOD was… just…
WOD Friday 09-09-2016
WOD Type: “D-Load & MetCon” WOD Walk: No walk today! WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: D-Load No Strength work EMOM – No EMOM’s allowed on D-Load Week MetCon: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 of… Front Squat @ 135# Strict Pll-Ups Total Reps: 110 Reps Today’s WOD…
WOD Thursday 09-08-2016
WOD Type: “D-Load & MetCon” WOD Walk: No walk today! WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: D-Load No Strength work EMOM – No EMOM’s allowed on D-Load Week MetCon: 1 Round of… 21 Deadlifts @ 115# 21 Dips 21 KB Upright Rows @ 45# 15 Power Cleans @ 115# 15…
WOD Wednesday 09-07-2016
WOD Type: “D-Load & MetCon” WOD Walk: No walk today! WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: D-Load Week No Strength Work EMOM – No EMOM’s during D-Load Week MetCon: 5 Rounds of… Run 200 Meters 10 C2B Pull-Ups Run 200 Meters 5 Power Snatch @ 115# Total Rounds: 3… I…
WOD Tuesday 09-06-2016
WOD Type: “D-Load & MetCon” WOD Walk: No walk again today! WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: D-Load Week No Strength Work EMOM – No EMOM allowed this week! MetCon: 3 Rounds of… 13 Power Cleans @ 115# 13 DB Thrusters @ 40# 13 Sit-Ups Total Reps: 117 with no…
Morning Road Bike Suck Fest!
Holy Shit! Today’s ride was nothing more than a suck fest! I’m pretty sure I just found the most hilly section of the island. There is even one category 4 climb ob North Bluff Road! I’ll be hitting this road a couple more times before moving back to the north end of the island. This…
Quick Mountain Bike Ride In Rhododendron Park
I didn’t know there were more trails in the park! Sweet… No hills, just a lot of roots to trip you up on!
WOD Friday 09-02-2016
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Walk: No walk again… But managed to hit 10,400 steps today! WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Overhead Squats 3 x 55# 3 x 65# 3 x 75# 3 x 85# EMOM – 10 Minutes – 3 Reps @ 55# MetCon: 12 Minute AMRAP…