Crossfit Takes Control! Crossfit has taken over my garage! Actually, it has taken over me as well! Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been living, eating and breathing Crossfit. Reading everything I can and watching every single video on Crossfit Dot Com. The last three weeks have been an amazing trip for me. Even…
Category: Blog
Climate Reality Projects
Help EPA’s Carbon Climate Reality Pollution Standard Today! Make your voice heard in this historical and incredibly courageous stand to help save the planet from almost certain destruction. I hope you are now realizing that our climate reality is heating up the earth at an alarming rate. Did you know that we have had record…
13 Success In Life Tips
Success in Life: I thought it would be appropriate to start off with what it takes to succeed in life as this website has been completely wiped cleaned of thousands of post and pages do to a crappy ole virus. Anyway… An important part of success in life is the ability to lead. It is…