Listed below are some videos showing exactly what it means to drill in the deeps waters of the world! Also, would you really want “Big Oil” drilling in the now open areas of the Arctic? No need, we have enough oil in the Gulf of Mexico to handle our needs. As you all know, I am a safety guy and I work in the oil field. Deepwater drilling is no joke. It’s dangerous and when things go wrong, they usually have a potential to be big events… Take a look at some of the ones below.
Seadrill’s West Atlas:
Worst Safety Wise of any company in the Gulf of Mexico! Nick and Zac can suck a dick…
Rig Burning in the Gulf of Mexico:
Rig On Fire Near Australia:
Deep Water Horizon:
Directional Drilling Gone Bad…
Fracking Incident:
BP Oil Spill After Deep Water Horizon…
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