WOD Monday 09-30-2013 WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: Jump Rope @ 200 Contacts 25 Jumping Jacks 20 Squats 14 Lunges (7 each leg) Burgener Warm-up Arm Swings Shoulder bands Wooden Dowel for shoulders WOD Particulars: Strength: Clean & Jerk 7 @ 2… 10x @ 95# Warm-up 5x @ 115# Warm-up 135# @ 7 Sets of…
Author: Gary
Solid Tips For Becoming A Better Email Marketer…
Hey there, Hope you are ready for today’s post! I’ve got some great tips for you to help you become a better email marketer. If you haven’t started to build your own list yet, you are concentrating on the wrong area of your business! If you want to learn what it takes to become successful…
WOD Monday 09-30-2013
WOD Type: “MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: Jump Rope @ 200 Contacts 25 Jumping Jacks 20 Squats 14 Lunges (7 each leg) Burgener Warm-up Arm Swings Shoulder bands Wooden Dowel for shoulders WOD Particulars: MetCon: 4 Rds for Time of… 10x Deadlifts @ Body Weight 25x Box Jumps @ 20″ Total Time: 17:03 Today’s WOD – Great…
WOD Saturday 09-28-2013
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: Jump Rope @ 200 Contacts 25 Jumping Jacks 20 Squats 14 Lunges (7 each leg) Burgener Warm-up Arm Swings Shoulder bands Wooden Dowel for shoulders WOD Particulars: Strength: Push Jerks – 5, 5, 3, 3, 1 Warmup 1 set of 10 @ 95# & 1 set of 7…
Expect Success With These E-Mail Marketing Tips
Email marketing is a marketing method that uses emails to promote to customers. To some, this can sound a bit difficult, but it really isn’t. Using email marketing to reach your customer base isn’t as hard as you might think, especially if you pay close attention to the tips in the following article. Do…
WOD Monday 09-23-13
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: Jump Rope @ 200 Contacts 25 Jumping Jacks 20 Squats 14 Lunges (7 each leg) Burgener Warm-up Arm Swings Shoulder bands Wooden Dowel for shoulders WOD Particulars: Strength: Bench Press – 5 @ 5 Warmup 1 set of 10 @ 135# & 1 set of 7 @ 155#…
Photoshop Marketing Extreme Package
So recently I saw something that blew my mind away. I came across one of the most unique Graphics packages I have ever seen online. I’m not talking about the typical stock graphics like your used to seeing… I’m talking about BIG GURU graphics that are actually used on Big Launches and sites all around…
WOD Thursday 09-19-2013
WOD Type: “MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: Jump Rope @ 200 Contacts 25 Jumping Jacks 20 Squats 14 Lunges (7 each leg) Burgener Warm-up Arm Swings Shoulder bands Wooden Dowel for shoulders WOD Particulars: MetCon: 5 Rounds For Time of… 10 KB Swings @ 53# 10 Burpees 10 Knees to Elbows 10 Push-Ups 10 Sit-Ups 10 Pull-Ups…
WOD Tuesday 09-17-2013
WOD Type: “MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: Jump Rope @ 200 Contacts 25 Jumping Jacks 20 Squats 14 Lunges (7 each leg) Burgener Warm-up Arm Swings Shoulder bands Wooden Dowel for shoulders WOD Particulars: MetCon: 5 Rounds For Time of… 4x Push Press @ 135# 15x Burpees 6x Pull-Ups 6x Knees to Elbows 10x Box Jumps @…
Power Through The People
Power through the people Have you come across a person who is so naturally friendly that when you put him inside a room of strangers, he’ll be friends with almost everyone in no time? We call such a people-person, someone unbelievably nice and charismatic that he can charm anyone into doing anything. A socially-empowered person…