WOD Type: “General Conditioning” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up 10# Plate Shoulder Warm-Up Leg Mobility Work WOD Particulars: General Conditioning: 1 mile run (11:20) Shoulder Press: 3 X 10 @ 35#DB Dips: 3 X 6 KB Upright Rows: 3 X 10 @ 40# DB Curls: 3 X 10 @ 35# Each Today’s WOD was just…
Author: Gary
WOD Monday 09-28-2015
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up 10# Plate Shoulder Warm-Up Leg Mobility Work WOD Particulars: Strength: Squats: 3 X 10 @ 75#, 95#, 115# Bench: 3 X 10 @ 115#, 135#, 165# Strict Press: 3 X 10 @ 65#, 75#, 95# Deadlifts: 3 X 10 @ 135#, 155#, 185# Today’s WOD was a get back…
Down For The Count…
Hey there, it’s been over a week since I last posted a workout. There is a reason… I ended up with staff infection and didn’t treat it. So, it has entered my blood stream and now I feel like someone hit me with a fucking Mack Truck! Anyway, sorry for those of you following along….
Olympic Lifting Week Five Day Three
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up 10# Plate Shoulder Warm-Up Leg Mobility Work WOD Particulars: Strength: Hang Snatch (Above Knee): (65%/2, 75%/2, 80%/2, 85%/1 x 2 Sets, 88%/1) 45#, 65#, 75#, 80#, 85# Hang Clean (Above Knee): (65%/2, 75%/2, 80%/2, 85%/1 x 2 Sets, 88%/1) 120#, 138#, 148#, 157#, 163# Front Squat: 3RM, -5%,…
Olympic Lifting Week Five Day Two
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Shoulder 10# Plate Warm-Up WOD Particulars: Strength: Bench Press: Pause 2″ for 2 Seconds (3RM, -5%, -10%) 135# x 10 Rep Warm-Up 155#, 185#, 205#, 235#, 255#, 285# x 2 Reps & 305# x 1 Rep Push Press: 3 Rep Max, -5%, -10% for 3 3 x 135#,…
Olympic Lifting Week Five Day One
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg Mobility Routine Shoulder Warm-Up WOD Particulars: Strength: Snatch: 65%/2, 75%/2, 80%/2, 85%/1 Rep x 2 Sets, 88%/1 65#, 75#, 86#, 97#, 101# Clean & Jerk: 65%/2, 75%/2, 80%/2, 85%/1 Rep x 2 Sets, 88%/1 136#, 157#, 168#, 175#, 185# Back Squats: 5 Sets @ 3 Rep Max…
Olympic Lifting Week Four Day Five
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up 10# Shoulder Warm-up Leg Mobility Routine WOD Particulars: Strength: Back Squats: 3RM, 30 Second Holds Bottom 155#, 200#, 245#, 275#, 300# 30 Sec. Bottom Holds = 155# Standing Press: 3RM Warm-Up 5 reps @ 75# 75#, 125#, 135#, 145# Metcon: 21, 15, 9 of… Deadlifts @…
Olympic Lifting Week Four Day Four
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up Shoulder Warm-Up with 10# plate Leg Mobility Work WOD Particulars: Strength: Snatch Pull, Power Snatch – Max, then -20% for 2 Sets 75#, 100#, 120#, 130# 2 Sets @ 100# Power Clean & Jerk – Max, then -20% for 2 Sets 125#, 145#, 155#, 165#, 175#,…
Olympic Lifting Week Four Day Three
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up 10# Plate Shoulder Warm-Up Leg Mobility Work WOD Particulars: 100 Calorie Row for Speed: 7:38 Strength: Hang Clean (Above Knee): (Find 3 Rep Max) 135#, 145#, 155#, 160# 10% = 145# Front Squat: 3RM, -10% 135#, 155#, 185#, 205# 10% – 185# Clean Pulls: 100% 3…
Olympic Lifting Week Four Day Two
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: 100 Calorie Row Warm-Up Shoulder 10# Plate Warm-Up WOD Particulars: Strength: Bench Press: Pause on the Chest (3RM, -10% for 3 Reps) 155# x 10 Rep Warm-Up 200#, 220#, 240#, 250# 10% = 230# Push Press: 3 Rep Max, -10% for 3 3 x 125#, 135#, 145#, 155#, 165#, 175#…