WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Front Squat 1 x 180# 1 x 202.5# 1 x 213.5# 1 x 225# EMOM – 15 Minutes – 2 Reps @ 180# MetCon: 12 Minute EMOM of… 3 Overhead Lunge @ 45# Plate 3 Rear Foot Elevated Squats…
Author: Gary
WOD Tuesday 05-31-2016
WOD Type: “Strength & MetCon” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Jerk 1 x 152# 1 x 171# 1 x 180.5# 1 x 190# EMOM – 15 Minutes – 2 Reps @ 152# MetCon: 12 Minute EMOM of… 3 weighted Pull-Ups @ 25# 3 weighted Ring Dips @ 25# Total…
Episode 32 – Memorial Day 2017 Walk & Ride
The Vlog: The Walk… The Ride…
How To Get Real Results From A Belly Fat Diet Plan
When you start a belly fat diet plan, whatever you may think about food and calories has to be changed. How and what we eat is really the main factor in fat loss. Its not the only factor as you do need to get up off your couch and move your body with some exercise,…
WOD Sunday 05-29-2016
WOD Type: “Strength” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Power Clean 1 x 136# 1 x 153# 1 x 161.5# 1 x 170# EMOM – 15 Minutes – 2 Reps @ 136# MetCon: EMOM for 12 Minutes of… No MetCon Today! Total Reps: 0 Today’s WOD was hard considering I…
Episode 29-31- The Barbell Shrugged Strength Test
Episode 29-31- The Barbell Shrugged Strength Test Follow Gary Marsh on Social Media: Blog: http://garymarsh.net Beme: https://beme.com/garymarsh Twitter: https://twitter.com/garymarsh50 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gary.marsh.7 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chalkboxtalk/ Google+: https://www.google.com/+GaryMarsh
Barbell Shrugged Strength Test Day Three
WOD Type: “Strength Test Day Three” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Barbell Shrugged Test Day Three Deadlift (1RM Strict) 135# WU, 225#, 275#, 295#, 315#, 335#, 355# Farmers Carry (50% Each Arm of 1RM Deadlift) 177.5# – Failed KB Farmers Carry 4 @ 70# each Arm = 360 feet…
Barbell Shrugged Strength Test Day Two
WOD Type: “Strength Test Day Two” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Barbell Shrugged Test Day Two Barbell Press (1RM Strict) 65# WU, 95#, 115#, 135#, 140#, 150#, 160# Weighted Strict Pull-Up (1RM) 15#, 25#, 35#, 45# Single Arm DB Press (40% Press 1RM for Max Reps) 7 Reps each…
Barbell Shrugged Strength Test Day One
WOD Type: “Strength Test” WOD Warm-Up: TRX Warm-Up Leg / Shoulder Mobility WOD Particulars: Strength: Barbell Shrugged Test Beginner Shrimp Squat (1 Each Leg) Overhead Squat (1RM @ 1 Sec) 65#, 75#, 80#, 85#, 90#, 95# (F) Front Squat (1RM) 135#, 155#, 185#, 195#, 205#, 215#, 225# Front Rack RFESS (5 Reps Strict) 45#, 65#…
Episode 28 – The Ride That Almost Killed Me!
Episode 28 – The Ride That Almost Killed Me! Follow Gary Marsh on Social Media: Blog: http://garymarsh.net Beme: https://beme.com/garymarsh Twitter: https://twitter.com/garymarsh50 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gary.marsh.7 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chalkboxtalk/ Google+: https://www.google.com/+GaryMarsh