Puke Worthy This WOD was an absolute killer for me! My wife actually named it for me after she came out and saw me. Anyway, on with the session… WOD Reps: 20, 15, 10, 6, 4 Bench: 135, 155, 175, 195, 205 Box Jumps Dips TRX Single Leg Lunges After my 10 minute warmup, the…
Author: Gary
WOD Friday 09-07-2012
TRX-Crossfit #1: For Time: 23:26 REPS: 20, 10, 10 Push-ups Pull-ups TRX Handstand Push-ups TRX Inverted Rows TRX Squat Rows
WOD Monday 9-03-2012
1/2 Santiago Session for Time: (Under 20 Minutes) 4 Rounds of 10 Reps Each for Time: 30 lb. Dumbbell Hand Squat Clean Pullups 95 lb. Power Cleans Handstand Pushups My time for this session was 25:36. Need to work harder on these types of workouts.
WOD Sunday 9-02-2012
PBD Hammer Session for Time: 22 Minutes Pushups: 20, 15, 10, 5 Flat Bench Press: 20 Reps @ 135 lbs. 15 Reps @ 155 lbs. 10 Reps @ 165 lbs. 5 Reps @ 185 lbs. Deadlifts: 20 Reps @ 85 lbs. 15 Reps @ 95 lbs. 10 Reps @ 105 lbs. 5 Reps @ 122…
WOD Friday 8-31-2012
4 Sets of 5 Reps for TIme: Shoot for 20 minutes or less. NOTE: Be sure to use a 40 lb. vest for each workout session and reps. Burpees – 5, 5, 5, 5 Pullups – 5, 5, 5, 5 Dips – 5, 5, 5, 5 Medicine Ball Throws – 5, 5, 5, 5
WOD Wednesday 8-29-2012
Incline Press Squat Overhead… WOD For Time: 20 Minutes Incline Press (IP) 115 lbs. @ 20 Reps Overhead Squat Clean (OS) 65 lbs. @ 20 Reps IP 120 lbs. @ 15 Reps OS 70 lbs. @ 15 Reps IP 125 lbs. @ 10 Reps OS 75 lbs. @ 10 Reps IP 135 lbs. @ 5…
WOD Monday 8-27-2012
Upper Body Abuse: WOD For Load: 195 lbs. @ 5 Reps 30 Minutes Total… Bench 135 lbs. @ 15 Reps Pullups @ 15 Reps Bench 155 lbs. @ 10 Reps Pullups @ 10 Reps Bench 175 lbs. @ 6 Reps Pullups @ 6 Reps Bench 195 lbs. @ Max (5 Reps) Pullups @ Max (6…
Back to Cycling…
Cycling & Strava Cycling is nothing without Strava. I Love Strava for keeping track of my rides and going back to view my cycling adventures. It works so well that I can ride the mountain bike in a totally wooded area and Strava’s GPS system tracks every segment of the ride. Check out the bikes……
WOD Sunday 8-26-2012
15 Minute Warmup WOD: For Time (30 Minutes) 105 lb. Thrusters @ 15 Reps .25 Mile Elliptical 85 lb. Thrusters @ 20 Reps .50 Mile Elliptical 65 lb. Thrusters @ 30 Reps 1.00 Mile Elliptical If you finish off the WOD prior to 30 minutes, continue the final elliptical portion until 30 minutes has been…
Crossfit Addiction
TRX To Crossfit Okay, its official, I am now a Crossfit Junkie! I watch a video on YouTube or at Crossfit dot com and next thing you know, I am out in the Garage pumping out reps of squats and pullups like some sort of an obsessed freak. At least that’s what my wife says……