Crossfit Takes Control!
Crossfit has taken over my garage! Actually, it has taken over me as well! Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been living, eating and breathing Crossfit. Reading everything I can and watching every single video on Crossfit Dot Com. The last three weeks have been an amazing trip for me.
Even though I recently made a major change in my life by being let go from a company I’ve worked hard for over the last five years, it sure feels good to have that weight lifted off my shoulders. Speaking of weight, I just picked up another 60 pounds yesterday. Looking to get another 300 pounds to start training for the masters.

How Crossfit Started for Me:
Funny how this all started. Crossfit came into my life just a few weeks back when I was on my last hitch. One night after a workout on the helideck with my trusty TRX system, I decided to watch a little television. Amazingly enough, the Crossfit Championships was on. I stayed up late watching that and decided this is definitely something to get me motivated once again. So, I got online and created a basic program I could do with very limited resources.
Essentially, all I had was my TRX and a ladder back scratcher I could use for pull-ups. I could also do cardio on deck by doing sprints and even did a few crab crawls as well. The guys on the rig thought I was nuts and could not understand why I would want to punish myself like that. I thought to myself on that and then asked why not?
Crossfit to Help Lose Another 40 Pounds!
Also, why wouldn’t you want to do it to? Most everyone I worked with could stand to lose a few pounds (This includes me). Anyway, I was a pretty motivated individual in the navy, but over the last 5 years, working in the oil field made me a plump man! In fact, I’ve gained over 40 pounds since I left the navy five years ago.
16 weeks ago, I decided to buy a TRX System and try to regain that level of performance I had when I was still active duty. I am currently 5’9″ tall and weigh in at a whopping 220 pounds. When I jumped on the scale 17 weeks ago, I actually weighed in at an amazing weight of 235 pounds! In 16 weeks, I have been able to lose 15 pounds using the TRX System and sprints. I found myself beginning to struggle to lose any more weight, that’s when I started to look into other means of exercise.
Crossfit seemed to fit the bill as soon as I watched it on television that night. Not only was I motivated to get in to Crossfit, but I was also motivated to get back on the bikes. Both road bike and Mountain Bike!
So, I am now on a quest to get myself into shape and not just in shape mind you, but in shape to compete. We have two local gyms here in town and I know they have competitions. We also have a few more within a 50 mile radius, so I will make it a goal to compete at them as well. Of course, this is going to take at least a year of hard core training in order to get myself in the kind of shape needed to compete against other fellow Crossfitter’s! But I do believe I am up for the challenge…
Stay tuned to my Workout of the Day(WOD), Gains and losses, and hopefully my progress in competing with others in Crossfit Games! By the way, the little boy in the picture above is my grandson Ethan. When he comes to spend a few days with us, he will workout with me and is one tough little dude! Who knows, he may just be the next CrossFit Champion of the world!. Anything is possible, right?
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